
HOH Marketing Reminders 2019

Let's do this! Holiday Open House is this Sunday and it is time to hit the marketing hard!!! PLEASE READ ENTIRE Page, if you don't you will miss something important!!! Let's all do our part and show everybody exactly what ARBA can really do!

Here is a link of marketing items and images for social media and emails as well as Instagram Contest post options, logo, brand elements, flyers, map and etc! http://www.onlyonaugusta.com/uncategorized/hoh-2019-marketing/ Just click link and then click on the item you want to save and it will enlarge for you to save hi-res. If there is certain art you are looking for then please let me know! I will be adding items to this link as more art is created so keep checking back.

Here is a link to the Holiday Open House website page http://www.onlyonaugusta.com/holiday-open-house-2019/ or you can use www.onlyonaugusta.com if you would rather use the home page when posting or emailing - I recommend the second option!

**INSTAGRAM CONTEST** - on this link you'll find the poster and social image http://www.onlyonaugusta.com/uncategorized/hoh-2019-marketing/ . Remember to spread the word on how to enter! Snap pics while enjoying Holiday Open House. Post as many pics as you like and you must tag each post with @onlyonaugusta and #hohonaugusta2019 to enter!

Large Yard signs will be going up along Augusta Street this week and will be placed near each business participating. We also have large banners for HOH this year. These will go up mid-week. The Insert published by the Journal is going out this Thursday night/Friday morning. I will receive the overruns tomorrow and get some delivered to your business. - Make sure to print the map to place with them. MAP

The Facebook Event Page is https://www.facebook.com/events/312368739586608/

There are some photos on the website photo gallery as well http://www.onlyonaugusta.com/community/photo-gallery/. Also Facebook has lots of pics from past Holiday Open House albums so feel free to look throughhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/onlyonaugusta/photos/?tab=albums&ref=page_internal and POST AWAY!

REMINDER!ALL participants of Holiday Open House always put out a box or jar to take $ donations for The Samartitan House. Please see the sign attached, print it and place on your box or jar in a prominent location or at check out. PEOPLE CAN USE CASH< CARD OR CHECK TO DONATE - PLEASE CREATE A LINE ITEM IN YOUR SYSTEM SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE THEIR DONATIONS. ARBA will contact you after December to get total donations.

If you have any questions let me know!!! Clair Ray 864-325-6534 or clairraymkt@gmail.com

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